Monday, November 9, 2009
Grandma Gustafson's Birthday
We captured a few pictures from Grandma Gustafson's birthday on October 16th - see, I'm catching up!
I'd like to say that I made this beautifully decorated cake, but Grandpa ordered it from Daube's - the same cake Steve and I had for our wedding - white cake with a raspberry filling - YUMMY!
Amaya's not all that crazy about the cake, but she sure enjoyed the frosting. Definitely following in Grandma's footsteps.
Amaya is giving Grandma her picture that she made. She needed a little help with the scissors, but we keep practicing. We gave Grandma a gift certificate to Daube's and we made Oatmeal Carrot Cookies for her. We had a fun evening, but missed seeing Mike and Arwen and family.