We got a rather late start because we slept in a little and I wanted to make a new recipe for Blueberry Waffles and Blueberry Syrup. (It was well worth the late start!) We arrived in Lanesboro (after a long wait in construction!) around noon, so we decided to eat our lunch at Sylvan Park in downtown Lanesboro. The park has a great playground, gazebo, campsites, and a large pond with fountains in it. Every time Amaya saw the water, she signed the word "bath" and said, "Ba? Ba?"
In these two pictures, Amaya is playing on the gazebo. We were very surprised that she kept her hat on for so long. I put in on her before we left the house and she LOVED wearing it!
After lunch, Steve set up the bikes while Amaya and I played at the playground. When Steve was ready, Amaya was pretty excited to get into her bike trailer. We loaded her up with plenty of toys and water to keep her occupied.
What we enjoyed most about biking in Lanesboro is the scenery. We followed the Root River, so there were several bridges that we crossed and were able to see others canoeing and rafting. We were limited by time, so we biked just a little past Whalen (approximately 4 1/2 miles). We got Amaya out to go down by the river and play a little before heading back.
Can you tell Amaya was having a great time?
There is a resort right in Whalen that someday Steve and I would love to stay at sometime - maybe our 5th wedding anniversary?!? (Although it might be a little cold to bike in April!)
This picture was taken by one of the last bridges that we crossed going over the Root River. This was our last stretch back to Lanesboro.
I guess we wore Amaya out...