Monday, December 7, 2009

Celebrating Uncle Mike's Birthday

Have I ever mentioned how much I love birthdays?!? I've only had one birthday so far, but already I'm looking forward to my second and it's right around the corner! We had a great time celebrating my Uncle Mike's birthday and even learned how to play a new game: TWISTER!

Twister is so much fun - even my mommy, Aunt Arwen, Uncle Mike and Grandma played! Here we are reviewing the rules:

Ben and Annika were the best Twister players EVER!

Miles and I tried playing, but it was a little hard since we don't know the difference between left and right.

My Uncle Mike, Miles, and me.

CAKE! Mommy bought trick candles for Uncle Mike's cake, but they didn't work very well.

Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE CAKE?!?

Grandma and Annika.