Thursday, August 16, 2012

Eye Issues

Since late spring, I was having quite a bit of difficulty with my eyes. My left eye was pretty irritated and my contacts were beginning to be very uncomfortable. I procrastinated making an appointment, because I knew they would tell me that I wear my contacts too much and I would need to wear my glasses until my eyes healed.  I was due to have my yearly eye exam in June, so I was finally made an appointment.

Fortunately, there was no infection - just irritated - but they were unable to do a complete exam and dilate my eyes because of Baby Gatzke. And sure enough... I received my "sentence"... NO contacts for 6 WEEKS! For anyone that knows me well... I only wear my glasses when I'm sick. I thought maybe I could get away with a week or two without contacts... NOT 6 WEEKS!

Anyway... I survived... and even managed to find some super fashionable sunglasses (NOT) to wear over my glasses because I wasn't going to fork over a hundred dollars for prescription sunglasses. I returned last week for another check-up. My eye doctor still didn't want to do a full eye exam with Baby Gatzke on board, so he gave me the clearance to go back to my contacts although with a different type of contact solution and more complicated cleaning process. But the best news - I don't have to return for 2 years! My terrible vision has reached a plateau and my prescriptions over the last 3-4 years haven't changed and unless I have more problems - I'm in the clear!

I have more appreciation for my contacts now and instead of wearing my contacts from morning until bedtime - which sometimes can be 15 hours or more - I'm taking them out as soon as I get home from work! I don't want to have to go through that again!