Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wrapping Presents

Amaya and I got all of our Christmas shopping and wrapping done and Christmas cards addressed and assembled the second week of December and boy am I glad we were on top of things this year. Amaya and I got the infamous stomach flu last week (Amaya much more severe than me) and we both have coughs. Thankfully Steve has remained healthy and has been taking wonderful care of us and keeping up with household duties. Anyway, with that set back, I'm VERY relieved that I didn't have the pressure of finding gifts, getting them wrapped, and doing Christmas cards this week.

Amaya has been my constant companion and I'm thankful for her help getting ready for Christmas (on most days!) Sometimes she makes the process longer, but I'm reminded of all the life lessons she's learning along the way. Why do we celebrate Christmas? Why do we give gifts to each other? Why is it important to be with family?

So as you open your presents and cards this year... each one has Amaya's special touch on them and they were wrapped with extra love that only Amaya can give!

Making sure each bow is on "just perfectly." (Her words!)

Stuffing bags....

Securing presents with tape... (I love her little hands and often wonder what those little hands will be doing when she's grown...)

Proud of her wrapping!

And... we're done... Whew!