Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Amaya's Update

Hi new friends and family! I waited a long time to see all of you!

I have now learned to smile at Mommy and Daddy, at both grandmas, at my favorite stuffed animal and for no reason at all! I can also hold my head up, and Daddy likes me to practice sitting up by myself but I can't really do that yet. Daddy also likes to make funny noises at me! We talk to each other, but I can only make cute little noises - so far!

Mommy sings to me, and my favorite thing to do is just to watch Mommy! My second favorite thing to do is have Mommy give me my bath. I like splashing in the water! I also like to lay under a new toy that Daddy and Mommy bought for me, and kick my legs and wave my arms.