Monday, January 25, 2010

Two Year Old Stats

With a lot of excitement, Amaya and I went to her 2 year old check up with our doctor today. Amaya LOVES her doctor kit that she got for Christmas, so she's been practicing giving us shots, listening to our heart, looking in our ears, and putting bandaids on our "owies." She was also excited to see the huge aquarium in the waiting room and to see our favorite nurse, "Prairie Dawn." (I told her this morning we were going to go see Dawn and she started calling her Prairie Dawn from Sesame Street.)

We reviewed her fine motor development, gross motor development, verbal skills, and self-help skills and she's right about where a 2 1/2 year old would be. The only thing she couldn't do was open a door knob - but she can certainly close them! Dr. Horn said her verbal skills are quite advanced and Amaya shocked her a little by counting to three (for the number of shots she was getting) in English, Spanish, AND German! (Proud mama and daddy!)

After reviewing her height and weight... Dr. Horn said we needed to take her out of gymnastics and get her started in BASKETBALL!! She nearly 3 feet tall!!!

Height: 34 1/2 inches - 2 feet 10 1/2 inches - 82% percentile!!! (She grew 4 inches in 9 months!!)
Weight: 25 lbs - 27% percentile...

Amaya got three shots today... the first one was okay, but shortly after she realized that she wanted NOTHING to do with our favorite nurse and I pretty much had to hold her down while she was kicking and screaming for the remainder of them. She stopped crying after 2 minutes when Dawn mentioned getting a Dora sticker. She gave Dawn and hug and said, "Thank you. Bye-bye."

Now we're at home enjoying the quiet, snowy afternoon and hoping Amaya gets a good nap in.