Monday, September 14, 2009

Back to Reality...

My three week vacation sadly came to an end last week, and back to reality we go. Steve started his second year of graduate school last week and the homework has already started to pile up. I've been very busy at work and while I wish it wasn't so crazy, I'm definitely relieved for our increase in patient census. Amaya will be starting two classes this fall through our community education - a Toddler Gym class and Swimming class. The swimming class is on Thursday evenings, so this will give Amaya and I something to do while Steve's at school. My weekly Bible study also starts up again next week and I'm looking forward to meeting with everyone and studying God's word. We're going to have a very busy fall...

Amaya has done very well with potty training so far. She still doesn't tell me when she needs to go, so we've managed to take her at predicable times and every 1-2 hours after that. Out of the 10-12 times either Steve or I take her, she's able to go about 5 of those times. Training her hasn't been as stressful as I thought it was going to be despite the horror stories I've heard. It's probably helped that we got a good start on it when I was off from work and didn't have to worrying about any kind of schedule. It will be a little more challenging, especially when she's in the nursery for Bible Study and church and going to different classes, but we'll take one day at a time.