Monday, June 11, 2012

Garage Sale

Our garage sale was a huge success! We had plenty of stuff, plenty of people, and outstanding weather.It wasn't our largest garage sale by far. Typically, those that we've had with my mom's friends have been MASSIVE. But with just my mom, Carol, Arwen, and our stuff... we still managed to fill the garage! It's been so long.. I can't remember the exact total... over 1300?!?

Dad helped watched the two little girls during the sale.

Amaya was VERY excited to have her very own lemonade stand. Hope helped out too! She made a little over 16 dollars during the entire sale and shared some of the profits with Hope. I was surprised that she stuck with it for a couple hours on Thursday. Amaya reopened on Saturday when we knew a few of my co-workers would be stopping by.