Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Deal of the Week!

Lately we've been cutting out coupons, digging in the couch cushions for change, and even "borrowing" some money out of Amaya's piggy bank for a couple dollars! Okay... maybe it's not that bad, but irregardless... we're looking for great deals. And today, we found an incredible coupon at Hy-Vee - so incredible that I believe it's blog worthy. We bought 6 boxes of General Mills brand cereal and received 10 dollars off, plus a coupon for 6 dollars off our next purchase at Hy-Vee! I especially love General Mills because they have box tops to collect and after turning them in, they donate money to the school of your choice - Amaya's preschool! So... we got 6 boxes of cereal for just a little over 3 dollars... 52 cents per box! Score!!