Sunday, September 5, 2010

Update on Steve

The last few days have been an absolute blur, but the only thing that matters is that Steve is recovering very well. The doctors are looking at discharging him Monday or Tuesday and Amaya and I can't wait to have him home. He's gaining his strength gradually and feels stronger than when he last had surgery. The nurses want him walking and sitting up in the chair at least six times, but his goal is to walk and sit up in the chair NINE times. Can you say, overachiever? Sitting up from a lying position is the most painful for him, but otherwise he's not having a lot of pain that can't be managed by Tylenol or Ibuprofen. He's tolerating a full liquid diet for now, but will most likely be advanced to a soft diet today - eggs, toast, mashed potatoes, etc. Once he can tolerate a soft diet, he can go home. YAY!

After today, I have the next five days off of work, so I'll be home and able to help Steve when he's home from the hospital. Between working and visiting Steve (he's just a floor below where I work), I probably could've just slept overnight in his room. Let's just say, I'll be excited not to have to make the trek back and forth here for a few days.

Amaya's been doing great at Grandpa and Grandma Gustafson's house during this time. She loves all the attention and extra spoiling! After I picked her up yesterday, we spent the entire evening painting, coloring, cutting, and glueing special art projects for Grandma and Grandpa and Steve. She wants to be a doctor, but maybe we have an artist on our hands... I've missed her so much this week, so it was nice being able to spend some quality one on one time with her. We'll plan on doing some special things this next week... she wants to go to House of Bounce and to ABC/Toy Zone to pick out her special prize for reading this summer.

Hopefully, by the time I post an update again, Steve will be home!!!