Thursday, September 9, 2010

Pressing On...

Steve was released from the hospital on Monday morning and both Amaya and I are thrilled to have him back home. While it's good to have him back home, things aren't back to normal and probably won't be until his next surgery in 6 months or so. We're still adjusting, trying to find a routine, trying not to be angry or frustrated, but today I was angry and frustrated. Angry that Steve has a chronic illness. Angry that he's gone through four hospitalizations and 2 surgeries in the past 8 months and he's still not healed. Angry that this whole ostomy thing was supposed to be "easy to manage." It took the two of us over a half an hour to "easily manage" it this morning and I've been TRAINED to take care of these. Angry that Steve has worked tirelessly through 5 years of school and is so close to the end, but because of his health, he may not be able to graduate in May with his classmates.

But... the positive: Steve is home. My parents and Steve's parents continue to be an incredible blessing and help us out with Amaya or the yardwork. Steve is home. Amaya has had less time-outs with Grandma Horning here. Steve is home. Grandma and Grandpa Horning watched Amaya and I bounce, flop, and go down slides at House of Bounce. Steve is home. Amaya has her very first day of preschool tomorrow! Steve is home. God is good and faithful... even when I'm angry and frustrated...