Saturday, November 1, 2008

My First Halloween!

Trick or Treat! Yesterday, after my nap, mommy changed my diaper as usual, but instead of freeing me off the changing table, she proceeded to put this fuzzy looking outfit OVER MY CLOTHES! I'm used to mommy putting strange things on me like tights, but this outfit, I've never seen before. I got really nervous when mommy put a fuzzy thing on my HEAD - it wasn't like any other hat I have! Mommy tried to explain to me that I was going to be a little lamb for Halloween and we were going to visit both of my grandparents and great-grandparents and they would put candy in my pumpkin bucket.

Mommy took a bunch of pictures of me outside... I really liked the pumpkin bucket (but I like it even better with goodies inside.)

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gustafson first. They took a bunch of pictures of me and then let me pick out some candy for daddy. I guess I'm still too little for candy.

Then Grandma and mommy took me over to see some friends - Jim and Jean. They put a lot in my pumpkin bucket! Candy for my daddy and animal crackers and goldfish crackers for me! I can't wait to try them!

Our next stop was my Great Grandparent's house. They feed my parents and my Grandma and Grandpa Horning every Friday night. Great Grandma let my mommy and me pass out candy to the other kids. I can't wait until I can go door to door and get candy of my own! I saw a horse, a couple princesses, a knight, a pirate, and an Amish girl. We ran out of candy so we had to turn out the outside light.

It was a really fun night. The best part was making everyone laugh and smile! I can hardly wait until next year!