Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Catching Up

Hmmm... over a month and a half... how does one even catch up? In all honesty, I've procrastinated and put off our blog for two reasons: 1) I haven't had time and 2) the time that I do have, I want to spend with Steve and Amaya. Unfortunately though, I still want to keep up with all of our family activities and Amaya's accomplishments so that our memories are recorded somewhere and this tends to be the easiest place. I plan on posting most of our pictures between Amaya's birthday and now, but I'll probably back-date them so that they are all in order, but in the meantime... here's the Cliff Notes version of the past month and a half...

*Steve continues to plug away at his internship and is still finding it very rewarding.
*Steve has applied for graduation from his master's program on May 21st! (I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of Steve!)
*Steve has an interview scheduled this month for entrance into a DOCTORATE program at St. Mary's University.
*Steve's health continues to remain stable and surgery is tentatively scheduled soon after graduation.

*Amaya finished another round of swimming lessons through Community Education and we saw a huge improvement with her skills.
*Amaya started an 8 week Introduction to Dance class also through Community Education. She LOVES to dance and LOVES her ballet shoes! When asked, she can show you how to do "first position."
*Amaya continues to thrive in preschool and from her conferences with her teacher this week, she has increased her confidence level and is participating more in class!
*Amaya is registered for preschool next year, the only differences will be a new teacher and she'll go 2 days a week.
*Amaya is once again cavity free and did an AMAZING job at the dentist this week!
*Amaya can successfully crack eggs without any egg shells in the cookie dough batter.
*Amaya is my "sous chef" in the kitchen - I've lost track of how many batches of cookies we've made and frosted.
*Amaya is learning to rhyme words and is just now beginning to write letters. "A" and "H" are the first letters she's learned.

*I continue to enjoy my job in Allergy. Although, it's been a difficult transition from being the "expert" in Dermatology to the "novice" in Allergy.
*I've picked up 4 extra shifts every month since December and while I am thankful for the additional income, I'll be glad to get back to my regular "part-time" schedule soon.
*I started a "Read through the Bible in a Year" program and have managed to keep up.
*I've volunteered in Amaya's preschool class which was an absolute treat to interact with her friends and classmates.
*I've been asked by several co-workers to begin a blog focusing on "Living on Less" and while it's exciting to think about and would help so many others in this economy, I'm not sure that I have the time, the effort, or the resources to give 100% to this project.
*I still in a constant struggle to find "balance" between being a working mom and wife, but I'm enjoying every "hat" I wear.