Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weight and Blood Pressure Updates

Weston has had three weight checks since he came home from the hospital and so I thought I better get updates out and on "paper" so I can remember when I get around to his baby book. (I still haven't done Amaya's yet... but most of the important stuff is already on our blog, so it should be easy. Finding time, on the other hand, is another story.)

Weston was discharged on December 31st (more about his last few days in the ISCN in another upcoming post) and his doctors wanted him to get a weight check within a few days of dismissal. His last weight in the hospital was 5lbs 1oz. On January 3rd, we met with Dr. Wade and he weighed in at 5lbs 5oz - almost back up to his birth weight of 5lbs  6oz. On January 11th, we met with out primary doctor - Dr. Horn and he weighed in at 5lbs, 15oz! While Weston was in the hospital, the dietician met with us and wanted me to supplement his feedings with formula with a little extra calories and I was hesitant because I worked so hard to get him to nurse well and some of it was my own pride. Dr. Horn reassured me that we were on the right track and as long as his growth curve was on the up and up, there was no need for me to supplement feedings with formula. Weston had another weight check on January 25th and he was 7lbs 9oz!!! All my worrying about whether he was getting enough milk, was completely unnecessary! Some of his preemie clothes were starting to get a little snug and when I put him in his carseat, he was definitely getting bigger. However, for him to gain a little over 2 pounds in his short little life far surpassed my expectations! Way to go Weston!

I also had a couple appointments this month for a blood pressure check. On January 2nd, I met with Dr. Hokenstead (I thought it was going to be the doctor who delivered Weston, but it was her husband!) My blood pressure was still a little elevated, so I was supposed to continue the Labetalol until I returned to see him. I was disappointed because the medication made me so tired, and I was afraid my blood pressure wouldn't normalize (even though they told me it could take up to 6 weeks for it to go back to normal.) A few days prior to this appointment on the 16th, I began feeling lightheaded (a sign that my blood pressure was lowering) and sure enough, my blood pressure was 100/64. Typically, they would taper the dose of my medication, but because I was having symptoms of lightheadedness, they discontinued the medication completely. Praise God! I have my 6 week follow up appointment the beginning of February with Dr. Harms, so they will recheck my blood pressure again, but I should be just fine.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Weston's and my health! Overall, we are doing wonderful!