Monday, September 7, 2009
Sylvan Lake
When planning our vacation, I didn't want us to be racing from one thing to the next, so I had only planned for us to do one thing a day so we could RELAX. What we found is that most of the things we wanted to do only took a few hours in the morning and we would relax in the evening back at the ranch, so our afternoons wound up being free. One afternoon, we ended up driving Needles Highway again but from the other direction and made an unexpected but totally worth it stop! This is Sylvan Lake (near the trailhead to Harney Peak - the highest point in South Dakota).
There were several hiking trails and also places where you can climb. We spotted a few braves souls rock climbing.
For those of you who have seen National Treasure 2 starring Nicholas Cage, parts of the movie were filmed here. We hiked for about an hour or so but would have liked to stay longer because there were so many interesting areas to explore behind the rocks.
Amaya loved riding on Steve's shoulders and had a great time exploring with us.
Once again, it was absolutely breathtaking!