Sunday, September 6, 2009
Storybook Island
Once Amaya's fever broke, she was ready for some serious playing! We decided that Storybook Island in Rapid City would be the perfect way for her to run off some steam and it's FREE! The weather was great and we even had a chance to have a picnic in the park. Amaya enjoyed exploring all the houses, going down the slides, and running around. Here's a picture of her and Steve on the pirate ship.
Amaya has a few Dr. Suess books and she recognized the Cat in the Hat.
Amaya and I on Noah's Ark. She liked going around the boat and pointing out the animals she knew and tried to make the sounds of each animal. She can now growl like a bear!
Raggedy Ann and Andy - again, I think there is a picture of my parents in this!
No trip to Storybook Island would be complete without a picture of Yogi Bear!
Our friend, Jen grew up in Rapid City and recommended that we find Fjord's ice cream shop for the BEST ice cream. Unfortunately, we couldn't find it and when we asked at the gas station, we were told that it closed a month ago. Too bad... We settled for ice cream back at the ranch (which was pretty yummy!)