Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Random Pictures

I know when I'm behind blogging when Weston has outgrown his outfits before I get a chance to blog about the pictures of him wearing them. So my goal is to get caught up before I go back to work on the 15th of March! (EEK - We'll save that for another blog post!)

Here is little Weston in the bassinet - for the most part he sleeps pretty well in it, but he'd much rather be held and snuggled or laying on his stomach. While he was in the ISCN, they had him on his stomach and his side quite a bit, but they had him on a heart monitor and pulse oximetry, so no worries about him stopping breathing. The challenge at home is that we can't put him to sleep in his preferred position for a couple more months. Oh, well...

Amaya continues to amaze me even though I know she's a great kid. She is so helpful and thoughtful - she's been a lifesaver and has made taking care of Weston a little easier. 

One day I hope Weston realizes how blessed he is to have a wonderful big sister who loves him tremendously! And it's my hope and prayer that they not only get along well, but become good friends.