Sunday, November 18, 2012


Our little guy passed his tests on Friday with flying colors and even better - I passed too!!! We started off with a non stress test, and Weston was a TROUBLEMAKER! The non stress test measures his activity and heart rate for 20 minutes to make sure he's getting enough oxygen and in order to get accurate results, this guy needs to stay put so the nurse can monitor him. Weston was very active and REFUSED to lay still making it nearly impossible for the nurse to track his heartbeat. And it didn't help that he had a major case of the hiccups! Every time he hiccupped, he moved! After two nurses chased him for nearly an hour, they had enough "footage" of his heartbeat and activity levels and said he was VERY HEALTHY!!! The nurses also monitor my blood pressure during the non stress test and the first reading was 126/74. I asked the nurse if she was sure the reading was accurate... and IT WAS! They did a total of four blood pressure checks and the lowest reading was 115/70 and the highest was 129/76! HUGE ANSWER TO PRAYER!!!

Then I had my ultrasound and it was perfect. They are monitoring the level of amniotic fluid because it can be an indicator that Weston isn't getting enough nutrition and fluid.
The fluid levels had actually increased from my appointment on Tuesday - so everything is right on track and he is getting everything he needs to grow and develop.

I met with a different OB for my consultation and he reviewed all my bloodwork, urine tests, non stress test, and ultrasound and Weston and I both got a great bill of health! So, I continue on bedrest and twice weekly appointments. My next appointment is on Tuesday and I hope that everything continues to remain stable. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our family!