Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Word from Elmo

Hi everyone! It's me, Elmo. I've had a lot of free time on my hands since Amaya's kitty joined the Gatzke household. I'm not sure what happened. She used to take me everywhere and we were inseparable. I comforted her at doctor's appointments, kept her company all the way out to South Dakota and back, and she'd hug me every night in bed. But all of a sudden, I've been replaced by a kitty! She isn't even on TV or have any books written about her! Good grief... I would never have guessed she would have turned her back on me like this. Now all I hear about is, "Kitty this, kitty that." She sobs every time she can't find her beloved kitty. But me? She could really care less about me anymore. Oh, she still likes to watch me on TV and read about me, but kitty gets all the kisses and hugs. I just wish things were the way they used to be - where I was the only one that she cared about. I'm hoping that the kitty thing will just be a fad and she'll come back to loving me as much as she did. Otherwise, I may need to find a new home..!