Obviously, the front of our house... everything goes!
One of the things Steve and I love about our house, is all the brick. Unfortunately, it's been covered by these overgrown shrubs! Last summer, Steve pulled out three shrubs and planted a rose bush that Great Grandma Struckmann gave me for my birthday. The rose bush didn't make it, but the other shrubs came back! Go figure...
Here's a close up shot of the front of our house. The two windows on the bottom are the lower level bedrooms and don't get much sunlight because of these shrubs.
The back of the house. Once again, this overgrown shrub is going bye-bye! Steve used to be able to get in between the shrub and the fence to mow, but not anymore.
The back of the house including the deck. When we moved in, this area in front of the deck had a TON of flowers, weeds, and bushes in a massive disarray! We eventually pulled out everything, planted grass seed, and now it will be ripped up again and planted with beautiful boxwoods!
This area is right by the step of our deck. It's a pretty large step down, so they are going to build up the dirt, and put a few stepping stones off the step.
This was the previous owner's garden and soon to be mine! Again, this was a hodge-podge of flowers, weeds, and a spirea plant right in the middle. Our friends, the Hulls, dug out the spirea plant to transplant at their house and the rest is being dug out and new soil is being put back in. I'm most excited about this part of the landscaping project. I don't have a lot of knowledge about gardening, but this will be my opportunity to learn!
The edge of the house, near the garage. The concrete edging will come out a bit, and a variegated dogwood bush will be planted (to help cover the utility box).
Hopefully, I'll get a chance to get some demolition pictures taken tomorrow and posted soon.