Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My First Christmas Eve

Today is such an exciting day! It's my very first Christmas Eve! Mommy and Daddy have been very busy this month buying presents and wrapping them, making yummy desserts, decorating the tree, playing Christmas music, etc. No wonder it's a big deal. Today Mommy is teaching me about Baby Jesus, because without him, none of this fun and excitement would be possible.

Tonight Daddy is going to come home from work a little early so we can go to the Christmas Eve service at my church. Afterwards, we're heading to Grandma and Grandpa Horning's house for dinner. My Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa will be there too. Mommy says that we're going to open Christmas presents! I think that means that I can FINALLY rip off the bows and take all the paper off the presents! Mommy and Daddy have been telling me "NO" all week!

Tomorrow, Grandma and Grandpa Horning are coming over in the morning to have Mommy's homemade waffles, eggs, and bacon. We're also going to open what's in our stockings. I saw Mommy put Yogurt Melts in the grocery cart last night, so I hope I get some of them put in my stocking. Do you think she found any front teeth for me at the grocery store?

My Auntie Carol and Uncle Dan are coming from Nebraska tomorrow. I'm SO EXCITED to see them and my cousins, Joshua, Jordan, and Hannah! Mommy points out their pictures to me on the fridge all the time and I'm not sure I remember them very well, but they look like lots of fun to play with! Grandma Gustafson is having a big HAM DINNER (love-love-love Ham!) for all of us including my Auntie Arwen and Uncle Mike and cousins, Ben, Annika, Lydia, and Miles. We'll open more presents and probably play some games. Miles and I will probably play with the refrigerator magnets or Grandma's play cell phone. Those are our favorite toys at Grandma's house.

Mommy says to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! We hope everyone has a wonderful time celebrating Baby Jesus' birth!
