Monday, June 30, 2008


We're not talking about Mickey or Minnie or for that matter Mighty. We're talking about a real live squeaking fuzzy mouse!! Last night, Steve and I were downstairs finishing up a movie, when out of the corner of our eyes, we saw a very scary mouse scampering along the bottom stairs and sneaking underneath the crack of the door leading to the closet. Amaya was in bed already, and it took nearly all the strength I could muster NOT TO SCREAM! Steve had to be quite convincing to get me off of the couch to go upstairs and "CALM DOWN." (I guess I was a little excited and was shaking so much - who me?) Steve's mom and dad came over to help out with the situation. His mom gave me moral support while Steve and his dad "hunted" for the mouse. Unfortunately, they weren't able to find him, so I'm hoping that he's gone for good. I'm just hoping that he won't bring his friends and family for a visit!