Caught a quick picture of Amaya just as she finished her thumbprint cookie.
Right away, Amaya spotted a lady dressed up as Mrs. Claus and she wanted to listen to the story of the Gingerbread Man.
Then, Amaya wanted to listen to the choir singing Christmas songs. She could have sat there all day, but we had to rush a little bit because we had church that evening.
We looked at all the trees... here are a few of our favorites...
Amaya liked this one so much she wanted a picture by it.

Amaya really liked this "teeny tiny" tree!
Right before we getting ready to go, Amaya saw Santa. Now I know I have issues with Santa... I still do and probably always will... but I asked Amaya if she wanted to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas. We were surprised she wanted to... but she was a little hesitant and reluctant. She smiled long enough to get a quick picture, but wanted off his lap before telling him what she wanted for Christmas. We're glad that she understands that Santa isn't real - that it's just a man dressed up like Santa and that Jesus is the reason for the season.

We looked at all the trees... here are a few of our favorites...